Welcome to my blog dear reader, your reasons for following the demented ravings of a middle-aged, Pastafarian archaeologist are beyond me but that's your business!

Saturday 26 November 2011


Welcome to my blog dear reader, you're reasons for following the demented ravings of a middle-aged, Pastafarian archaeologist are beyond me but hey! that's your business.

Here is a picture of an upside down rainbow MrCheeze and I saw last year, it is 100% genuine and entirely unphotoshopped, this I swear and may the Almighty Flying Spaghetti Monster smite me with His noodley appendage if I lie!

This explanation from Wikipedia:
The circumzenithal arc or circumzenith arc (CZA), also called the Bravais' arc, is an optical phenomenon similar in appearance to a rainbow; but it arises from refraction of sunlight through horizontally-oriented ice crystals, generally in cirrus clouds, rather than from raindrops. It forms no more than one-quarter of a circle centered on the zenith and on the same side as the sun. Its colors are from blue on the inside to red on the outside of the arc. It is one of the brightest and most colorful halos. Its colors are purer than those of the rainbow because there is much less color overlap in its formation. The first impression is that of an upside-down rainbow.

That's all for now dear reader, may we meet again soon!

May His Holiness bless you with his noodley appendage x

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